- Mason's CSP Brushes
This contains other places to find me and my work!
My own personal doccument of all my favorite Clip Studio Paint brushes and tools!
My email! Send me messages :] (but of course be sensible about what you're sending)
- Animated Gif Maker
- Antimony & Lace
- Beepbox
- Blinkie Cafe
- Clipnote Studio
- Color Palette Generator
- Dafont
- Decker
- Electric Zine Maker
- GB Studio
- Heavypaint
- Heritage Type
- jspaint
- Justseeds Open Type Project
- Unsplash
- rarebit
- Shake Art Deluxe
- Stimuwrite 2
What it says on the tin
Website with wonderful sewing patterns and resources for DIY gothic clothing
Simple, powerful music maker
Find and make blinkies
Flipnote for PC, reportedly no 'undo' button
Create a color palette from an image
Free fonts
Multi-media sketchpad, good for making e-zines
Zine maker for your computer, many fun and useful tools!
Simple game maker
Wonderfully limited painting program. The desktop version isn't greatly optimized, so the browser version (Webbypaint) might work better depending!
Their 'free' section has tons of great vintage pngs
MSPaint tool in your browser
Open-access fonts for leftist, activist purpose
Free stock photos
Neocities webcomic template
Create wiggly drawings
Writing program for those who need stimulation and feedback to work. Comes with fun moving backgrounds, celebrations for word count milestones, nice sound effects, and more.
- Alt Text Guide
- CSS Gradient
- JukeHost
- Liveweave
- Magic Pattern
- Marginalia Search
- Openbooks
- w3schools
What it says on the tin, a guide to writing alt text
Create gradients with CSS
Audio file hosting for easy embedding
Live code editor for HTML, CSS, and Javascript
CSS backgrounds
Search engine focusing on non-commercial and small sites
An easier way to search Neocities sites
Essential tool for anyone learning HTML and CSS
- 17776
- Fempire Records
- How to Draw a Horse
- QZAP Zine Archive
- Radio Garden
- Radiooooo
Incredible multi-media story about football in the future
Radio show that highlights femminist and queer bands from alternative and underground scenes.
A comic by Emma Hunsinger-- very good!
An archive of Queer/LGBTQ+ zines dating back to the 1970s
Tune into radio stations from around the world
Listen to music across countries and time periods (WARNING: Full access to features is pay-walled)
- Fish Tycoon
- Pointer Pointer
- Space Email
- WindowSwap
Fun free aquarium game
It points at your pointer
Send and recieve email from anyone at any point in time.
Open a window somewhere in the world