how to improve instant mac n cheese

Written July 2023

Notes: N/A

I put a saucepan on the stove
Smaller than what was called for, because i didn’t need much
I turned the heat to medium
I cut a slab of butter from the stick
I diced a bit of onion
I took milk and mustard out of the fridge and salt and pepper and flour from the cabinet

I put the butter in the pan to melt
Too hot, the butter burned and i washed the sizzling pan in the sink
I lowered the heat
I melted the butter
I threw in the onions
I threw in the pepper and salt and mustard
I stirred for a bit too long

I tossed in the flour
Estimating the ingredients as I go
I stirred too long again
I mixed in the milk
I didn’t have the cream
I put in worcestershire sauce and it started to look like the images

I took the pan off the heat and mixed in the cheese
The powdered cheese from the cup and shredded cheese from the fridge
I put the noodles in the microwave
I got out a bowl
The sauce was thick and the noodles were cooked

I made too much of the sauce
For my instant mac and cheese
Put the rest in a glass container
Not sure what to do with it
I ate my food
And it was edible

I ate it all
I dumped the rest of the cheese down the sink
And I took a granola bar from my cabinet
And ate that
To get the taste out