A red banner with a golden dragon silhouette that waves as if it's in the wind A red banner with a golden unicorn silhouette that waves as if it's in the wind A red dragonfly that looks as if it's sitting on the text box, flapping its wings


What's this website?

Hey! I'm Mason! Welcome to my Neocities!
I draw things and write things, and this website will be used to host those things all in one convenient place. Or, semi-convenient, since I can be rather disorganized. I'll do my best to update this site with new things as much as possible, but it's also not going to be something I put too much pressure on-- just for my own sake.

Take a look around and enjoy your stay!

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=Featured Writing=

Excerpt from "I met god..."

I met god and It seemed to be fish. God looked like parking lots and streetlights and death glimpsed in a dream. I met god and It was a deer with white eyes, lonely and weeping; a cow with two faces; a kitten with one eye. I met god in a shared orange, and the smoke trails above trees, and the houses lining the stomach of the valley. I saw god among circles of colorful people, they were dancing and they were interlocked, beating to drums made of meat.

Click here to read the full poem!